


There are several steps you must complete in order to apply for financial aid. Follow these steps and you will be on your way to completing the process.

1. 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的校规是 002480. 你的FAFSA申请必须在2月6日之前提交. 1 .满足ACCESS MO Grant优先申请截止日期.

澳门威尼斯人平台官网 participates in the following undergraduate federal student aid programs. Your eligibility for these programs will be determined by the FAFSA.

  • Pell Grant - Need-based grant with annual amounts up to $6,495 for the 2021-22 academic year.
  • FSEOG Grant -以需要为基础的补助金,每年的金额最高可达$4,000.
  • TEACH Grant -每年最高可达$4,000 for students pursing a degree in a high-need field who agree to teach at an elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families.
  • 联邦直接贷款 -本科生费用从5美元起,500-$12,500, 取决于注册级别和依赖状态. 拒绝联邦直接贷款|澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学
  • PLUS Loans -为父母或毕业生借款人提供的信用贷款. The annual maximum is determined by the difference between the student’s cost of attendance and the total amount of other aid awarded for the academic year. PLUS贷款的固定利率是6.2021-22学年的学费为28%,发起费为4%.2020年10月1日以后发放的贷款为228%.
  • 联邦工作研究 - A need-based program through which students are paid hourly wages for part-time employment, 典型的校园.

The following Missouri state financial aid programs are available to 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students who are Missouri residents and meet all other eligibility criteria.

  • 访问密苏里州- Need-based grant with amounts up to $2,540 for the 2021-22 award year.
  • Bright Flight - Merit-based grant that encourages top-ranked high school seniors to attend approved Missouri postsecondary schools. 2021-22学年最高可达3000美元.
  • Fast Track - Need-based grant for applicants who are at least 25 years old or have been out of school for at least 2 consecutive years and are pursuing a degree or industry-recognized credential in an area designated as high-need.
  • 公共服务官员或雇员的儿童幸存者补助金 - Tuition assistance program for public employees and their families if the employee is killed or permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty.
  • 少数民族和代表性不足的环境扫盲计划 - This scholarship is designed to assist academically talented minority and underrepresented individuals pursuing a degree in an environmental course of study that will lead to employment in an environmentally related field.
  • 儿童机会奖学金 - This scholarship is available to children of workers who were seriously injured or died in a work-related accident covered and compensated by workers' compensation.

联邦财政援助2. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学首次借款人入学咨询: Any new Lindenwood borrower who wants to apply for a student loan must complete 入学咨询. The 入学咨询 session is quick and easy and will provide useful tips and tools to help you manage your educational expenses. 这个在线课程大约需要20-30分钟才能完成. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 will be notified electronically once your session is complete.

3. 主本票(MPN) Once you have completed the 入学咨询 session it will be necessary for you to complete a Federal Direct Stafford Loan 主本票. Upon completion, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 will be notified electronically of your application.

4. 选择贷款: A Federal Direct Loan may not provide enough financing to meet your educational expenses. 替代/私人贷款可以在填补这一空白方面发挥重要作用. If you are considering an alternative/private loan to supplement your educational expenses, first be sure you have maximized all your aid eligibility under the federal aid programs.


Lenders on LU’s alternative loan list have been selected for their favorable terms and conditions regarding interest rates, fees, 还款方式, 处理效率, 客户支持, 以及其他借款人的福利和激励措施. Consideration was also given to lenders that have been historically popular among Lindenwood students. To ensure current and accurate information is used to maintain the list, 学生财务服务 conducts an annual review of the included lenders.

学生可以使用任何贷款机构,包括那些不在名单上的. Applicants are encouraged to apply with a co-signer who has a favorable credit history. 大多数私人学生贷款借款人都有共同签署人.

在使用私人贷款之前, students are strongly encouraged to explore their eligibility for state and federal student aid programs by completing the FAFSA.

4.a. 密苏里州家庭教育贷款计划: The Missouri Family Education Loan Program (MOFELP) is a need-based, interest-free (0% interest rate) private education loan program that is awarded on a first come, 先得制. 每年的贷款限额是5000美元. MOFELP has no additional fees; however, borrowers are responsible for a $5 monthly “Keep-In-Touch” payment while enrolled. 以下是一般资格要求:

  • 招收全日制
  • 取得令人满意的学业进步(SAP)
  • EFC为20,000美元或以下
  • 至少17岁
  • US Citizen
  • 密苏里州永久居民
  • 没有学士学位
  • At least 21 on ACT or 1500 on SAT; or have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher earned at high school, participating school, or another institution
  • Two-year credit history (or have a cosigner with two-year credit history)


Once you have chosen a lender and completed the application process, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 will be notified electronically of your request for an alternative/private loan. We will not certify eligibility for the alternative/private loan until your financial aid and admissions file is complete and your federal/state aid has been processed.

5. Worksheets & Forms: Every application is reviewed individually and may require additional information or the completion of additional documents. 学生财务服务 will notify you by email of the necessary documents needed to complete the verification process. 你可以下载一些你可能需要的表格.

6. Apply Early: The most important factor when applying for financial aid is to apply early. 我们建议您不迟于1月10日提交FAFSA. 15,以确保您符合访问MO授予优先截止日期2月11日. 1.